A Western Bird Dog Experience
My life can be delineated into phases, each marked by a black Labrador at my side. However, a recent trip to Montana with my great friend Gary Shaw has spawned a new obsession from within.
I love when the sunlight shimmers off the backs of my black dogs.
I love to watch each of them lick their lips, their thirst quenched by the next retrieve.
I love to see their steadiness as the volley of birds and shots flow across our decoy spread.
However, there is a beauty of a white dog on point – tail flagging, their body and mind motionless. Birds hide amid the flowing waves of grass – a moment frozen in time.
We are excited to announce the addition of an English Setter pup to our string!
The hope is to build a pointing/flushing brace for our upland pursuits – an exciting opportunity and challenge.
She will get her BlackFoot Tribal name in October when we pick her up from famed dog trainer Talmage Smedley of T’s Doghouse.